Condensers & Column
Condensers & Column
Condensers, Leibig
- Made from 3.3 Borosilicate Glass.
- The light walled inner tube facilitate efficient cooling.
- Used for distillate separation. | Length mm. |
Tube Dia mm. |
Qnty. Per Case |
SGC001 | 100 | 20 | 2 |
SGC002 | 200 | 20 | 2 |
SGC003 | 300 | 25 | 2 |
SGC004 | 400 | 25 | 2 |
SGC005 | 500 | 25 | 2 |
SGC006 | 600 | 25 | 2 |

Condensers, Hopkin (Reflux)
- Used to prevent the solvent from boiling away
- Designed as glass column with a second column surrounding it through
which cool water flows. - As vapor riser into inside column, it is cooled by the jacket of water on the
outside & condensed. | Length mm. |
Tube Dia mm. |
Qnty. Per Case |
SGC007 | 300 | 30 | 2 |
SGC008 | 400 | 30 | 2 |

Condensers Air
- Made of 3.3 Borosilicate Glass.
- Air cooled design. | Length mm. |
Joint | Qnty. Per Case |
SGC009 | 100 | 10/19 | 2 |
SGC010 | 200 | 14/23 | 2 |
SGC011 | 200 | 19/26 | 2 |
SGC012 | 300 | 19/26 | 2 |
SGC013 | 400 | 19/26 | 2 |
SGC014 | 500 | 19/26 | 2 |
SGC015 | 600 | 19/26 | 2 |
SGC016 | 400 | 24/29 | 2 |
SGC017 | 600 | 24/29 | 2 |

Condensers Air,Vertical
- Low cooling capacity
- Air Cooled design | Length mm. |
Joint | Qnty. Per Case |
SGC018 | 400 | 14/23 | 2 |
SGC019 | 400 | 19/26 | 2 |
SGC020 | 500 | 24/29 | 2 |
SGC021 | 1000 | 24/29 | 2 |

Condensers Leibig
- Water cooled designing
- ensures quick cooling
Used for distillate separation | Length mm. |
Joint | Qnty. Per Case |
SGC022 | 60 | 10/19 | 2 |
SGC023 | 100 | 10/19 | 2 |
SGC024 | 150 | 19/26 | 2 |
SGC025 | 200 | 19/26 | 2 |
SGC026 | 300 | 19/26 | 2 |
SGC027 | 400 | 19/26 | 2 |
SGC028 | 500 | 19/26 | 2 |
SGC029 | 200 | 24/29 | 2 |
SGC030 | 300 | 24/29 | 2 |
SGC031 | 400 | 24/29 | 2 |
SGC032 | 500 | 24/29 | 2 |
SGC033 | 400 | 29/32 | 2 |
SGC034 | 500 | 29/32 | 2 |
SGC035 | 500 | 34/35 | 2 |

Condensers Allihn
- Water Cooled design
- Distillate is recycled again and again in this vertical design.
- Fumes are passed off from the top nozzle | Length mm. |
Joint | Qnty. Per Case |
SGC036 | 300 | 19/26 | 2 |
SGC037 | 400 | 19/26 | 2 |
SGC038 | 500 | 19/26 | 2 |
SGC039 | 400 | 24/29 | 2 |
SGC040 | 500 | 124/29 | 2 |

Condensers Allihn
- Greater cooling area ensure effective cooling.
- Ideal for high temperature cooling. | Length mm. |
Joint | Qnty. Per Case |
SGC041 | 200 | 19/26 | 2 |
SGC042 | 300 | 24/29 | 2 |
SGC043 | 400 | 24/29 | 2 |
SGC044 | 500 | 24/29 | 2 |
SGC045 | 600 | 124/29 | 2 |
SGC046 | 600 | 29/32 | 2 |

Condensers Allihn, Vertical
- Greater cooling area ensure effective cooling.
- Ideal for laboratory scale reflux. | Length mm. |
Joint | Qnty. Per Case |
SGC047 | 200 | 19/26 | 2 |
SGC048 | 200 | 24/29 | 2 |
SGC049 | 200 | 29/32 | 2 |
SGC050 | 150 | 34/35 | 2 |
SGC051 | 200 | 40/38 | 2 |
SGC052 | 250 | 50/52 | 2 |
SGC053 | 300 | 50/52 | 2 |

Condensers Double Surface (Davies)
- Designed with a water jacket both on the outside & through the center
of the condensing table. - Recommended for usage among highly volatile liquids | Length mm. |
Joint | Qnty. Per Case |
SGC054 | 100 | 10/23 | 2 |
SGC055 | 150 | 14/23 | 2 |
SGC056 | 200 | 19/26 | 2 |
SGC057 | 300 | 19/26 | 2 |
SGC058 | 200 | 24/29 | 2 |
SGC059 | 300 | 24/29 | 2 |

Condensers Coiled Distillate
- Coiled condensation tubes ensures highest possible cooling area.
- Ensures faster and quicker cooling. | Length mm. |
Joint | Qnty. Per Case |
SGC060 | 180 | 14/23 | 2 |
SGC061 | 200 | 19/26 | 2 |
SGC062 | 200 | 24/29 | 2 |
SGC063 | 300 | 24/29 | 2 |
SGC064 | 500 | 24/29 | 2 |

Condensers Coil(Graham)
Designed in a such a way that cooling water flows in the coiled tubes. | length mm. |
joint | Qnty. Per Case |
SGC065 | 150 | 19/26 | 2 |
SGC066 | 300 | 19/26 | 2 |
SGC067 | 150 | 24/29 | 2 |
SGC068 | 300 | 24/29 | 2 |
SGC069 | 150 | 24/29 | 2 |
SGC070 | 300 | 29/32 | 2 |

Chromatography Columns, Plain
- Used for separation of chemical compounds.
- It contains the stationary phase, allowing the mobile phase to pass through it. | Bore mm | length mm | Qnty. Per Case |
SGC071 | 10 | 150 | 2 |
SGC072 | 10 | 300 | 2 |
SGC073 | 18 | 300 | 2 |
SGC074 | 18 | 450 | 2 |
SGC075 | 30 | 450 | 2 |
SGC076 | 30 | 600 | 2 |

Chromatography Columns, Plain with PTFE Stopcock
- Used for separation of chemical compounds.
- It contains the stationary phase, allowing the mobile phase to pass through it.
- Designed with a PTFE stopcock. | Bore mm | length mm | Qnty. Per Case |
SGC077 | 10 | 150 | 2 |
SGC078 | 10 | 300 | 2 |
SGC079 | 18 | 300 | 2 |
SGC080 | 18 | 450 | 2 |
SGC081 | 30 | 450 | 2 |
SGC082 | 30 | 600 | 2 |

Chromatography Columns, Plain with Teflon Stopcoc
- Used for separation of chemical compounds.
- It contains the stationary phase, allowing the mobile phase to pass through it.
- Designed with a PTFE stopcock. | Bore mm | length mm | Qnty. Per Case |
SGC083 | 10 | 150 | 2 |
SGC084 | 10 | 300 | 2 |
SGC085 | 18 | 300 | 2 |
SGC086 | 18 | 450 | 2 |
SGC087 | 30 | 450 | 2 |
SGC088 | 30 | 600 | 2 |

Chromatography Columns, Plain with Sintered Disc
- Used for separation of chemical compounds.
- It contains the stationary phase, allowing the mobile phase to pass through it.
- Designed with a Sintered disc for collection of solid chemical compounds. | Bore mm | length mm | Qnty. Per Case |
SGC089 | 10 | 150 | 2 |
SGC090 | 10 | 300 | 2 |
SGC091 | 18 | 300 | 2 |
SGC092 | 18 | 450 | 2 |
SGC093 | 30 | 450 | 2 |
SGC094 | 30 | 600 | 2 |

Chromatography Columns, Plain with Sintered Disc & Stopcock
- Used for separation of chemical compounds.
- It contains the stationary phase, allowing the mobile phase to pass through it.
- Designed with a Sintered disc for collection of solid chemical compounds. | Bore mm | length mm | Qnty. Per Case |
SGC095 | 10 | 150 | 2 |
SGC096 | 10 | 300 | 2 |
SGC097 | 18 | 300 | 2 |
SGC098 | 18 | 450 | 2 |
SGC099 | 30 | 450 | 2 |
SGC100 | 30 | 600 | 2 |

Chromatography Columns, with Sintered Disc & Teflon Stopcock
- Used for separation of chemical compounds.
It contains the stationary phase, allowing the mobile phase to pass through it. - Designed with a Sintered disc for collection of solid chemical compounds.
- Designed with a PTFE Rotaflow stopcock. | Bore mm | length mm | Qnty. Per Case |
SGC101 | 10 | 150 | 2 |
SGC102 | 10 | 300 | 2 |
SGC103 | 18 | 300 | 2 |
SGC104 | 18 | 450 | 2 |
SGC105 | 30 | 450 | 2 |
SGC106 | 30 | 600 | 2 |

Sprayer for Chromatography
It provides a fine, uniform spray ideally adjusted for the development of
chromatography patterns. | cap ml | qnty per case |
SGC107 | 25 | 1 |
SGC108 | 50 | 1 |
SGC109 | 100 | 1 |

Rubber Bulb
It provides a fine, uniform spray ideally adjusted for the development of
chromatography patterns. | description | qnty per case |
SGC110 | Chromatography Sprayer Bulb | 4 |

Condenser for Soxhlet
Made from 3.3 Borosilicate Glass.
Condenser designed for higher cooling capacity. | Cap ml. | Socket | Qnty. Per Case |
SGF070 | 150 | 34/35 | 2 |
SGF071 | 200 | 40/38 | 2 |
SGF072 | 250 | 50/42 | 2 |
SGF073 | 300 | 50/42 | 2 |